Bio Remodelling

A next-level anti-ageing injectables treatment that rejuvenates, hydrates and stimulates collagen production.

Treatment Areas

Skin remodelling, hydration, firmness, softening lines and wrinkles



Approximate Cost

From $850

Appointment Time

30 minutes


Visible after 2 treatments

Pregnancy Safe?


Bio remodelling is a completely new injectable procedure in Australia, unlike any other cosmetic injectable treatment that fills or augments the skin. Bio remodelling is known as a skin simulator; it works by changing the structure and function of your skin from within. This process remodels the skin, improving the cellular environment and reducing the visible signs of ageing. In one session, it offers skin rejuvenation, collagen and elastin simulation and deep hydration.

Bio remodeller injections have been used overseas for over seven years, has an excellent safety profile, and boasts excellent results. Nearly 5 million bio remodeller treatments have been performed worldwide.


  • Thin, crepey skin
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improve skin texture to the chest or decolletage
  • Hydrates and improves texture in the hands
  • Overall skin quality, hydration and firmness

Bio remodelling: how it works

Injectable bio remodelling treatments are made with a high concentration of next-generation hyaluronic acid. They are designed to spread like honey when injected into the skin. Additionally, the hyaluronic acid helps to hydrate the skin. Once in the skin, the hyaluronic formula slowly attracts water into the deep layers of the skin, stimulating the cells to produce more collagen and elastin. This action improves lines, wrinkles and volume across the entire skin surface without changing facial features.

Areas treated

  • Face – for overall facial rejuvenation, skin resurfacing and fine lines
  • Decolletage – smooth and refine crappy skin around the collarbone and upper chest
  • Hands – giving the delicate skin a smoother and more refined appearance
  • Neck – smooth and plump the skin around the neck and reduce laxity
  • Elbows and knees – minimise laxity in the knee and elbow area, reducing signs of ageing
  • Stomach – tightening loose skin that is noticeable after ageing or weight loss

Suitable candidates

Bio remodelling suits a variety of candidates wanting to improve skin quality, particularly those with concerns such as fine lines and wrinkles, skin laxity and overall skin quality. Typical candidates include:
  • Individuals in their late twenties to mid-fifties who have started experiencing early signs of ageing, including decreased inelasticity, fine lines and wrinkles. Bio remodelling works as a preventative measure for this group while helping stimulate collagen production.
  • Individuals in their mid-fifties and beyond – with more pronounced signs of ageing, such as skin sagging and deeper wrinkles. Bio remodelling injections can help improve the skin, reducing the signs of wrinkles, sagging and overall skin texture.

Treatment process

Treatment consists of an initial course of 2 to 3 treatments one month apart, followed by a single treatment every 6 to 12 months to maintain results.

It all starts with a consultation
with a medically trained doctor...

At Samara Aesthetics, every client starts with a one-on-one consultation with Dr Sam Avarinth, a medically trained cosmetic doctor. He’ll take the time to assess you, listen to questions, and share his knowledge before suggesting suitable, personalised treatment options. There’s no one-size-fits-all, no pushy sales talk — just caring, considered, evidence-based advice.

Dr Sam Aravinth - Perth


Bio remodelling differs from other injectable treatments (that simply add volume) in that it enhances collagen and elastin production and deeply hydrates the skin at a cellular level.

You can expect a more glowing complexion within days of your initial treatment. 3 to 4 weeks later, you’ll begin to see visible results as collagen, elastin and new cells are created. This regenerative effect will last for approximately 6 to 12 months.

We recommend 2 treatments performed one month apart. Then, we recommend ongoing maintenance treatment every 6 months. However, depending on the individual, the number of required treatments (and timeframe) may vary.

While you may feel some sensations, the treatments are very superficial, so typically, there is minimal discomfort. You may experience some skin redness for a couple of hours after treatment, which usually subsides quickly.

Before your treatment, the area will be cleansed to ensure it’s free from dirt and make-up. A numbing cream may then be applied to minimise any discomfort during the injections. Once the area is numb, your practitioner will carefully inject the bio remodelling substance, using tiny needles, into the skin.

The treatment usually takes 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the area/s being treated. As the injections stimulate your collagen production, you won’t notice immediate results. Instead, the effects of the treatment will become noticeable weeks later.

Traditional gels are created to add volume and replace volume loss in the face. For example, they give you higher, more rounded cheeks or a well-defined jawline. Alternatively, bio remodelling gel is a product of hybrid cooperative complexes of high and low molecular weight HA, with each size serving a different function that is essential to exert a remodelling effect on the dermal layer of the skin, allowing for improvement to skin texture and skin quality.

Bio remodelling gel is administered as an injection into the skin using an ultrafine needle into five predetermined injection points on each side of the face. Each treatment session usually takes around 10 minutes.

There is no downtime after your treatment. However, it is advisable to avoid alcohol, aspirin or anti-inflammatory medication for 24 hours before treatment. After your treatment, avoid wearing make-up and participating in vigorous sports, swimming or other strenuous physical activities for 24 hours. It’s also best to avoid steam rooms and saunas for a few days after treatment.

For optimal results, two bio remodelling treatment sessions at 30-day intervals are recommended, with maintenance treatments to follow after assessment.

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